Tips to Defend Negative SEO for a Website
You might have come across the term called Negative SEO, let us explore it in more details through this post. Negative SEO is a technique used to lower the authority & ranking of the website in serach engines result page like Google, Yahoo, Bing. To implement negative SEO we have got many methods to implement it. The negative SEO is a technique iused to sabogate the competerior's rankings in search engine or it is usually supress the website authority or ranking from the search engine ranking.
Negative SEO technique can take many different forms:
Hacking a Website
Generating Spam links to the website
Sharing the original content of a website across the Internet.
Deliberately pointing links to the website using unwanted keywords.
When the compertitors can use such techniques to ruin the website reputation you must overlook to emphasize the strategies to prevent it from such attacks.
Does Negative SEO really works?
Long story, but to put it in short Negative SEO really works.
As Google is more watching on the spammers and unusual activites that adhering the negative impact to the website. In all cases, Google ensure that one cannot tank your website with bad links. The seo company in tirunelveli tech giant also accepts its filtering method aren't a fool proof. Such that the individual or business involved in the Negative SEO technique may get away on an account of destroying your websites quality
If you get through the whole post, you will explore some of the effective ways to prevent from the Negative SEO:
1. Perform Regular Link Audits
Perform a regular audit to your quality SEO backlinks such that it may prevent you from the Negative SEO Attack. This is the best way to get your website safe from the malicious activities before the negative SEO attackers harm your website. Don't forget to make your website safer by doing a regular audits. There are some tools to control & monitor the quality of links like Ahrefs blog, Open site explorer and more. These link monitoring tools also offer other tools that puposefully performs various seo auditing.
2. Setup Webmaster Tool Email Alerts:
For a simple way of getting notified of any unusual SEO activities, you can utilize the Webnaster tool email alerts. Once you setup the webmaster tool account, you will recieve email alerts for the features you have chosen.
You get notified whenever:
You pages are indexed on search engine
Spyware or Malware is attacking your site
Your server has problems
You have been manually penalised by Google
All you need to do is create an account with Google Webmastertools and click webmaster tool preferences” . Then you recieve updates for the chosen preference.
3. Watch the speed of your site:
As most important SEO factor, speed of the website is most important. If the website speed drops then your website loads slowly by the time user might abandon the website and might not revisit the website. Any suspicious activity in your website might slows the rate at which the website loads completely when searching for the information on the internet and that the prospective customers reach your website place and look to read information. One such malicious attack is called forceful crawling seo agency in madurai If you are unable to find anything from the website and the website is still sluggish then you might be the victim of something called forceful crawling. The forceful crawling causes heavy server load which might crash the website thus putting the website under threat and causing its better performance.
4. Protect Your Best Performing Backlinks.
While competitors might try to down your best performing backlinks while replicating themself as “you” website owner to the webmaster and delete the quality links by intimating it to the webmaster tools. In order to prevent this from happening, here are some suggestions
Always use only one email to communicate with the webmasters
Keep track of your best performing backlinks nellai seo and inform the owners that you have no intention of taking them down.
5. Avoid content scraping:
Avoid content scraping as Google hates the duplicate content. As long as you monitor the content is not being copied by the competitors, then you are much on safer side. So when you should be really careful when someone picks your content and make reduction to your websites.